August was quite a busy month. I’m constantly learning so much about myself, and about what it means to give myself away for God. I’m so blessed to be able to share these things with you!
Driver’s License: Last newsletter, I was telling you about the stress of getting the Japanese driver’s license. Thank you for praying for me. As of August 9th, I successfully passed the driving test. It was my third try and I felt much more peace before going to do the third time. I did the whole thing flawlessly and when I got to the end, I heard the instructor say the happy slogan “please get out of the car.” This means that you passed, IF you look out the window before you open the door for a last safety check. I was so happy that I looked three times over my shoulder and out the window before I opened the door. Then he announced, “You passed!” I was so happy! My friend who was taking the test with me went right after me and she passed too! Phew! Such a stressful event, but so glad I went through it and God taught me many things through the experience.
Iejima Mission Trip: Once again, on August 31st, a team of 4 teachers and 2 high school students headed to Iejima for our monthly Mission Trip. Our last month must have been a great hit because we had students waiting for us when we got there 30 minutes before the English club was about to start! We had a great English time and shared of the Noah’s Arc story with about 14 elementary students. We then fellowshipped with the church members discussing what it means to be a church. On our way back, we, teachers, were discussing the trip and decided that it would be better if we invite more OCSI high school students to come with us on the trip, because the students on the island feel more comfortable talking to them instead of adults and more relationships can be built - because essentially that is the whole reason why we go! So pray for us as we move in that direction.
September completely flew by! Looking back on this month has made me not want to waste even one moment of any day! I am so blessed being used by God on this island of Okinawa!
This year, since it is my second year of teaching, I seem to be constantly reflecting and comparing last year to this year. Since it was my first year, I felt like I was just surviving, week by week, day by day, getting lesson plans ready, being ready for the day. This year though, I can devote more time to helping individual students. I am not as tired in the evenings, since I don’t have to come home from school and work all evening getting ready for the next day. I feel like this year is a refreshing year. I am so grateful to have had my first year teaching at OCSI and I am glad that is was a tough year. Now, I can be used by God even more here in Okinawa, and I am even more excited for the next years of teaching.
Other Events: We went for our monthly Iejima Mission Trip on September 21st. It was a rainy, stormy day, but a group of 4 of us teachers went. Only about 6 elementary students and 3 middle school students showed up for the English time. We then fellowshipped with the church members. One of the members, an 85 year old grandma, was in the hospital for some complications so we surprised her and visited her. It was a blessing to me, to see a Japanese lady so full faith in God, that I think I was more blessed by visiting her then she was of us!
I was invited to join the Walkathon committee at school. OCSI does an annual walkathon to raise money for different school advancements. I have been put in charge of the “kick-off” a whole school assembly to advertise and get the students excited for the Walkathon. Pray for me as I glorify God in this way.
I have also been blessed recently with the gift of music. I have had the opportunity to play piano for the church I have been attending here on the island now for a few months. I even picked up a guitar and started playing around on that too. I even composed a song to go with a Bible verse for my students to sing.
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First attempt at homemade bread! |
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A Veggie Stromboli made with Sesame Dressing and a variety of veggies and Whole Wheat Dough MMMM Good! |
Blessings to you all. I’m grateful for the love and support from you. As the seasons change, I hope you will remember that God never changes.