Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stains and songs

Can I please just tell you about today??? :D

So the past two days have been 'ok'. Not completely bad because you can always learn something from a day which is always a good thing. Today, I knew from the beginning it was going to be a good day. And it was. Until 12:30. I had my beautiful white glittery shirt and I thought I looked pretty cute. I was writing on a big sheet of paper with a permanent red, blue, and black marker, teaching the students about what we should do in the library. I was unaware of the fact that the red top didn't make it back on the cap. So I look down and first see red marker on my hand. THEN OH NO! A RED CIRCLE ON MY SHIRT!!!! All my students were sitting at the carpet with me, so I start slightly freaking out, not much, but just a little "Oh no!" "my shirt" as I attempted to walk around looking for a wet wipe to wipe it with. I finally found it, my students are laughing and talking about it. I finally come back and I am making sad faces and fake tears/ crying. That's when some students brought up Pete the Cat:

I don't know if you know the story but there are many books about Pete the Cat. In one story, he has these awesome white shoes and sings his songs about the white shoes. Then he steps in strawberries. The book asks, "Did Pete cry? Goodness No!" He kept on singing his song, and then he changes the song to say how he loves his RED shoes. 

So a few weeks ago, I read one of the Pete the Cat stories to the students where he looses some buttons and keeps singing and so the moral is, if bad stuff happens to you, you don't cry - you keep singing!

So here I am - big red stain on my shirt. And I am a hypocrite. Crying because I got a red stain on a lousy shirt. So in front of my whole class, I sang a new songs "I love my red stained shirt, I love my red stained shirt." :) I just love my students. They didn't even know if but they taught me something new about life and living through unfortunate events that happen. :)

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