Sunday, September 16, 2012

School, bikes, and typhoons.

Hi everyone! It's been a while but I wanted to update you on how teaching and life in Okinawa is going!

School: Teaching and school is going fantastic! I am loving everyday with my students. Yes, some days are challenging, yes I loose my voice and am too tired to do anything after school ends, yes sometimes I have cried from frustrations, BUT I still am reminded everyday that this is exactly what I am meant to be doing and giving it my all! My students are just great and I love them all! I am up to 20 students now which is a bit difficult at times to manage, yet I still am learning through every situation. My students just love learning. They beg me for homework and want harder homework. :P Next week, our reading story is on ants, so I'm excited to incorporate some science with it and learn all about ants with the kids. 

Outside of school: Many people have asked me, "so what do you do outside of school?" Well, the answer is sometimes difficult. We live right beside the school, with people that we see all day at school, and I have even attended churches where most of the people in church somehow work at the school. But, I refuse to let school take over my life so I am making steps to also have some sort of life outside of school. My most exciting step towards this is the purchase of a bicycle! I have been dying since the moment I arrived to own a bicycle. A few weeks ago, I went on an Okinawa yard sale website, where mostly military people buy and sell, and found a nice used bike, being sold really close to school. I looked into it, went and tested it out, and it was soon mine! Yeah! I have taken it out a few times, even rode to church on Sunday. It has been a blast except that we live on a pretty big hill so going places is fun but coming back to school... well... bring on the sweat! :) Other than biking, I've taken walks, took a Tango lesson, watched a local Okinawan dance, helped with a cross country meet.... um I'm still working on the life outside of school thing... :)

This weekend, we had another typhoon! The third since I have been here! No school was canceled though and it was just a lot of wind and rain. 

My bike:

The other day I biked 20 min to a nearby beach to watch the sunset. So beautiful!

A few Friday's ago, the whole school had an Assembly. Our first grade was paired up with the 11th graders and we had a great time doing different outdoor activities such as tug-of-war, water games, and sack races. 

Blessings to you all! Love you!!

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