Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lazy Saturday

I don't think I have ever really understood the concept of a Sabbath or really a day of rest. Even while I was in undergrad in the dorms, saturdays was the day I did homework or get caught up on things but it never was simply a day of rest. Today, Saturday, I have enjoyed it to the max. It's not like a laid down on the couch all day but I simply rested in my mind and my heart. I woke up around 10 after dreaming that I was running in a marathon... (I don't like to run and I kept saying that in my dream too...) After waking up, I just sat in bed and read for a while. I ate some breakfast and went outside to get some exercise walking the trails. I followed a little stream for a while and enjoyed being outside and the quiet and the beauty. During the rest of the day I got the chance to finally clean my room and decorate some. I let my creativity run by finishing a necklace holder for my bathroom. A few times, there was a rabbit outside my window which I watched. I love rabbits! I used to have one as a pet when I was around 5 or 6 years old in Japan. :)

Now it's just the perfect temperature outside and I want to go out again to take a walk. So, I leave you with some more pictures:

a finished product of my room with a few decorations.

yes I know it looks cluttered but it's not, that's just how I display my junk...

my necklace hanger! isn't that soooo cool! I made it out of branches and yarn and tied them together and then tied buttons onto the branches to hang them from. I love it!

my dresser runner. I made this a few weeks ago. I was originally going to store my shoes in it but then it changed to miscellaneous items. 

it goes clear onto the other side where I can store more things!

claire and I at a wedding last weekend. We had a mega wedding weekend where we went to two weddings in two states in two days. It was a lot of fun!


Exodus 15:11

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